Met water quality standards less than 60% of the time
This status is based on the latest sample, take on February 8th, 2025 Surfrider Foundation - Kauai Chapter updates the status of this beach as soon as test results become available. These results were posted to Swim Guide on March 5th at 19:51.
Hanalei River at Weke Rd. is sampled Monthly from January 1st to December 31st
Surfrider Foundation’s Blue Water Task force is a volunteer-run, citizen science initiative and water quality monitoring program. The Kauai Surfrider Chapter samples water quality at 35 locations on a monthly basis. The goal of Surfrider Kauai’s Blue Water Task Force is to provide water quality data to the public so that they can properly assess public health risk in determining where to enjoy our beaches and surf breaks. Data is also provided to Hawaii Department of Health and Federal EPA to assist in screening and monitoring recreational waters so that they can take action to improve public safety. The Blue Water Task Force tests both marine and freshwater sites for enterococcus, a coliform bacteria that indicates fecal pollution. Results are compared to water quality criteria established by the EPA to protect public health in recreational waters. Test results are expressed as the Most Probable Number (MPN) of enterococcus cfu (colony forming units) per 100 mL seawater by using the IDEXX Quanti-Tray/2000 MPN Table. All water quality results are posted online for anyone to view or download at Monthly reports are posted in the local newspaper, broadcasted on two local radio stations, and distributed via email and on social media. Results are also sent to Hawaii Dept. of Health and regional EPA. When a site is marked Green, they have met the recreational water quality criteria (between 0 and 130 MPN/100 mL). When marked Red, results have exceeded recreational water quality criteria (above 130 MPN/100 mL). All data can be viewed at Any additional questions about Kauai’s Blue Water Task Force program or our results can also be addressed to Karl Berg,
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