Meets water quality standards
This status is based on the latest sample, take on March 6th, 2025 National Capital Authority updates the status of this beach as soon as test results become available. These results were posted to Swim Guide on March 5th at 21:16.
Black Mountain Beach is sampled Weekly from October 14th to April 14th
The National Capital Authority (the NCA) monitors the water quality of Lake Burley Griffin in accordance with the Lake Burley Griffin Water Quality Management Plan 2010 (available on Lake Burley Griffin is a freshwater lake. During the recreational season (mid October to mid April) Enterococci and blue green algae (cyanobacteria) are monitored to advise on the suitability of the water quality for recreational purposes (Primary Contact Recreation: swimming, bathing, novice secondary, and Secondary Contact Recreation: sailing, rowing, kayaks etc). Sites are monitored weekly during the Recreational Season. The Recreational Season runs from 2nd Monday in October to 2nd Monday in April. Samples are collected Mondays (or Tuesdays if Monday is a public holiday). Beaches are given a red (fail) if they exceed either of the following protective criteria: Enterococci: 200 cfu/100mL Cyanobacteria: 20,000 Indicative Microcystis aeruginosa algae cells/ml (Medium alert) Additional warnings are issued when cyanobacteria level reach high (?50,000 cells/ml) or extreme ( ?125,000 cells/ml) levels. The NCA updates the Lake Burley Griffin Water Quality website ( each week during the season with water quality data. Further user advice and information about lake closures and health alerts can also be found at Follow the NCA on Twitter: @nca_media and Facebook: for current water quality information. Water quality information and data requests can be sent to Water Quality Advisory signs are at all recreational areas.
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