This Valentine’s Day, Swim Guide wants to hear you say “I love you” to the one
To the one who is full of life.
To the one that makes you happy every time you look at her.
To the one who is always up for an adventure.
To the one who never stops giving.
To the one your family, your friends, your pets, and your plants rely on every day.
To the one who sustains you.
To the one who shapes you and makes you who you are.
To the one you literally can’t live without.
This Valentine’s Day, say “I love you,” to the water in your life.
Show your love
Submit your Watermark
A Watermark is a true story about you and a body of water. Your story can be a memory, experience or moment about a time you connected with a body of water. They create a living record of our powerful connection to water.
When you contribute your Watermark, you help to document and protect the waterbody that is important to you and your community.
Share your watermark on socials with the hashtags:
#loveyourwatershed #valentinesday #swimdrinkfish #Ilovewater