Environmental Awareness

To Flush or Not to Flush?

Swim Guide, Swim Guide Editor
February 24, 2025

Imagine life without a toilet. 

Pretty bad, right? These unsung heroes save the day with every flush. But what exactly can you flush down the toilet? When we flush things that we shouldn’t, they can clog the pipes in our home as well as sewer systems. They can also find their way into waterbodies when combined sewer systems overflow.

You’ve heard of “Will It Blend? now get ready for: 

Disclaimer: Do not take this as a personal challenge to see how many non-flushable items you can send down the drain unless you to be dealing with a clogged toilet right now.

So, what can you flush down the toilet?

The simple answer is that toilets are for human waste and toilet paper–that’s it. Always adhere to the ‘5-P’ rule, and only flush the following five things down the toilet:

If you’re flushing anything other than the ‘5-Ps’ down your pipes, you can clog sewer systems and contaminate our environment and waterbodies

Many people are confused when it comes to the flushability of products that we use in our daily lives. Let's dive into some of the most popular items in our daily lives and if you should be flushing them or not.

Can I flush rubber gloves?
No! Hand your rubber gloves over to the garbage when you’re done with them. You definitely don’t want them gripping the sides of your pipes and clogging your toilet or ending up in a sea turtle’s stomach.  

Can I flush tissues and paper towels?
No! Tissues and paper towels are chemically treated so they do not break down in sewer systems like toilet paper does. Tissues cause issues when they build up in the drains. Throw them out in the garbage. 

Can I flush disinfectant wipes?
No! Wipes (even ‘flushable’ ones) can clog sewers. The wipes will disintegrate into smaller and smaller pieces, but they never truly disappear. Their synthetic fibres (like rayon or viscose) accumulate in our waterbodies. Wipe away ocean pollution along with germs by putting your wipes in the garbage.

Photo by: Photo by Natracare on Unsplah

What else won’t flush?
All types of wipes, such as:

  • Flushable wipes
  • Makeup wipes
  • Baby wipes
  • Cotton swabs and cotton pads

Feminine hygiene products, such as:

  • Tampons and applicators
  • Diva cups
  • Pads

Medications, such as:

  • Prescription drugs
  • Birth control
  • Painkillers
Photo by: Photo by Towfiqu Barbhuiya on Unsplash

Let's not forget that these household items are also not flushable:

  • Dental floss
  • Bandaids
  • Condoms
  • Contact lenses
  • Cigarettes
  • Diapers
  • Hair
  • Cat litter

Remember your ‘5-Ps’ and when in doubt, throw it out!!